Education and Outreach

Thanks to our partners at Raley’s, California Farmland Trust and California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom (CFAITC) are pleased to release Orange You Glad We Have Farmland! This educational curriculum is intended to provide third to fifth grade elementary students a hands-on activity to learn what percentage of land is available to grow the food that feeds the world. Follow along with us on social media as we share the project, and provide a live demonstration!


Stay tuned for more opportunities and resources surrounding the importance of protecting farmland with Orange You Glad We Have Farmland. 

Field Trips

California Farmland Trust is currently not offering school tours or field trips. If you’d like to be added to a wait list to be notified of when these opportunities will be provided again, please submit an inquiry.

The California Farmland Trust is proud to host Raley’s Field Trips on the Farm, where students get a hands-on learning opportunity.  With funding from Raley’s Family of Fine Stores, we are able to take several classrooms of fourth – sixth graders onto working farms each year. Scroll down to read more about the trips below. 

We are also proud to partner with SJC AgVenture, as they continue to educate hundreds of students through their virtual program. In this video, grape farmers, Joe Valente and Markus Bokisch, discuss all the elements that go into farming grapes before the final products end up at the grocery store. Take a look to learn more and hear how farmland protection plays a role in this process. Thank you San Joaquin Agventure for the opportunity to collaborate on this project!

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