The mission of the California Farmland Trust is to help farmers protect the best farmland in the world.
Every acre of California’s valuable farmland counts. We work with farmers and landowners to ensure their land remains farmland, forever.
California has a rich family farming history; 92% of our farms with agriculture conservation easements are family owned.
We believe in educating our youth about where their food comes from and in 2021, we’ve already engaged with more than 5,000 students.
Explore and access our 2025 Sponsorship Packet for viewing and downloading. If you prefer to become a sponsor through traditional mail and make payment by check, please print and submit the sponsor registration form.
For secure online sponsorship, select one of three sponsorship categories and proceed with your online credit payment through our third party provider.
If you have questions or would like to discuss your sponsorship in more detail, please contact Amy Wolfe at