The Central Valley Farmland Trust (CVFT) is often the go-to land trust in facilitating the placement of agricultural conservation easements to fulfill farmland mitigation requirements in the Central Valley. This is evidenced by the following:
- CVFT’s acknowledged experience and expertise in farmland mitigation led to its Executive Director being asked to sit on a statewide committee to help draft a statewide farmland mitigation policy and model ordinance.
- The CA Department of Conservation along with Farm Bureaus in Madera and Merced Counties have asked CVFT to assist in facilitating California High Speed Rail Authority’s farmland mitigation requirements in the Central Valley.
- CVFT is often consulted on how best to mitigate for the loss when solar facilities are being considered on prime farmland.
- CVFT formally represents several Central Valley jurisdictions in facilitating local farmland mitigation programs / ordinances.
For information on how to mitigate for the loss of farmland, contact Bill at