
20th Anniversary Series – Gaining Momentum

20th Anniversary Series – Gaining Momentum

Central Valley Farmland Trust is Born ~ By Vicky Boyd    When representatives of four farmland conservation groups met in late 2003, they agreed that the status quo probably wasn’t the best way to protect agricultural land moving forward. Then the discussion evolved...

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20th Anniversary Series – The Beginning

20th Anniversary Series – The Beginning

Passion Drives Action to Minimize Increasing Growth ~ By Vicky Boyd    With development of prime farmland occurring all around them, a small group of Merced County residents had reached a tipping point in the early 1990s. Led by Linda Macedo, Eleanor Lema and a few...

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Shopping Locally at Certified Farmers’ Markets

Shopping Locally at Certified Farmers’ Markets

Spring is here and with it, the launch of many certified farmers’ markets (CFMs) across California.  CFMs are a great way for farmers to bring their crops directly to consumers in accordance with rigorous state standards specific to food safety, handling and...

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“When you put houses on the land, it’s a one-time harvest…” We’re proud to introduce CFT landowner, Jean Okuye. Jean’s path to living a life dedicated to agriculture is unconventional compared to most. A Santa Barbara native, Jean married into...

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From Immigrants of the Avocado Capital of Mexico, to the Agricultural-Rich State of california We’re proud to introduce CFT landowners, Juan Carlos and Rodrigo Espinoza. In 2018, Juan Carlos and Rodrigo decided to permanently protect 78 acres of prime farmland under...

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2021 Landowner Story Series Part 4

2021 Landowner Story Series Part 4

Building Upon Resilient Roots Miller & Lux, Inc. Heir Works to Protect and Preserve Productive lands at bowles farming company It’s not every day you hear of a family farm that has lasted in California for six generations, reiterating that Bowles Farming Company...

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2021 Landowner Story Series Part 3

2021 Landowner Story Series Part 3

Greenbelt ensures scenic views and productive, protected farmland The story of C&T Murphy farms Tom and Chester Murphy grew up in a red brick house along Highway 4, which today is a paved gateway to the Sierra Nevadas with a steady stream of traffic, particularly...

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2021 Landowner Story Series Part 2

2021 Landowner Story Series Part 2

Taking a stand The story of fiorini Ranch In 1909, long before cities were formed, third generation farmer, Randy Fiorini’s grandparents Francis and Mable made the life-changing move from Southern California to our most fertile soil, the Central Valley, putting roots...

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2021 Landowner Story Series Part 1

2021 Landowner Story Series Part 1

Investing in Innate Farmland The story of Machado family farms Nestled in the small town of Linden, the Machado Family first began farming in 1906 when Gregorio and Angelina Machado, immigrants of the Azores Islands, arrived in California. Initially started as a...

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